A certain percentage of people on Earth suffer from psoriasis. First, psoriasis appears precisely on the scalp, which is recommended to be treated as soon as the first symptoms appear. The causes of the disease have not yet been determined, but the symptoms are pronounced. It is recommended to consult a doctor for treatment, to be treated comprehensively and to observe preventive measures.

Psoriasis is a disease whose roots remain a mystery to humans. Countless studies are being carried out on the subject, new results appear, new causes and theories that raise even more questions. With psoriasis, the rate of formation of new cells increases, which results in the formation of too many of them, the skin starts to harden and an inflammatory process begins.
Until now, the following fact has been recognized as the cause of the disease - in psoriasis, the cell division process is interrupted, the rate of keratinocyte formation increases, which leads to the onset of the disease.
The increased rate of cell renewal causes an inflammatory process, and the inflammatory process, in turn, leads to an even greater rate of cell division, which is a vicious circle. An inherited predisposition leads to a high rate of division.
Sometimes a violation of the immune system, which arises as a result of stress after an infectious illness, leads to this process. For example, among people infected with the immunodeficiency virus, the number of patients with psoriasis is three times that of healthy people.
Several hundred years ago, it was believed that people with psoriasis were cursed and could transmit these diseases to others.
Other factors that lead to the development of psoriasis:
- Genetic diseases formed when viruses and bacteria enter the body, leading to a change in the structure of chromosomes.
- Skin infections, purulent inflammation.
- Violation of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
- Chronic inflammation - sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis and others. In many patients with psoriasis, high rates were observed when analyzing the number of lymphocytes and leukocytes in the blood.
- Too dry or too humid air where the patient is constantly located.
- Stress, anxiety, depression.
- When taking antibiotics, an immunomodulator leads to compromised immunity and, as a result, psoriasis.
- Increase the risk of alcohol and tobacco use.
- Lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, unhealthy diet, intake of food with allergens, overweight.
- Endocrine diseases.
- Diseases of Organs internal organs.
If a person has noticed the appearance of symptoms of psoriasis, localized dry skin, roughness, redness, you should immediately contact a dermatologist for diagnosis.
Psoriasis appears for some reason on the head, from which a special structure of the skin can be noticed, frequent microtraumas obtained by scratching the skin in this area.
According to statistics, one percent of people worldwide suffer from psoriasis, while in eight out of ten patients the psoriasis is located in the head region, in four out of ten it is located in the head alone. In six out of ten people, the disease is not limited to the scalp, but affects the elbows, knees, palms and other areas.
If the patient is predisposed to psoriasis, their symptoms can come on unexpectedly with the least amount of stress or anxiety. Allocate a group of patients at risk. Usually, the symptoms of psoriasis first appear in patients between 15 and 25 years old.
Types (forms)
Symptoms may vary depending on the type of psoriasis. The two main forms of the disease are mild and severe.
- The lung is characterized by the formation of small lesions, which are covered by the same small psoriatic plaques.
- In severe forms, psoriasis affects the entire region of the head, the lesions combine, the skin becomes dry, the psoriatic plaques form in large plaques, the skin becomes much coarser.
Scalp psoriasis occurs in several stages.
- The progressive phase is characterized by the development of the disease, the formation of new lesions.
- During the stationary phase, the symptoms of the disease do not change at all. New ones don't appear, old ones don't change.
- With the regressive stage, symptoms are eliminated. It can last up to two years.
Symptoms may vary seasonally. In winter psoriasis, the cause of the illness may be a lack of ultraviolet radiation, but if the symptoms intensify in summer, the reason is the opposite - an excess of ultraviolet radiation.
Dermatological diseases affect not only the patient's physical condition, but also their psychological stability. Psoriasis, which is a chronic, ie incurable, disease is especially difficult to tolerate. To improve the quality of life, it is necessary to constantly eliminate the symptoms of the disease, which takes a lot of time, effort and sometimes money.
If psoriasis on the body can be hidden with clothing, in the case of psoriasis on the scalp, this trick won't work. Typically, patients begin to get sick with psoriasis in that area. Sometimes psoriasis no longer spreads, especially if its symptoms are constantly treated with good, effective medications, but the disease can spread to other parts of the body.
Scalp psoriasis is also called seborrheic. The disease is characterized by severe scaling of the scalp, which resembles dandruff. In addition, the patient suffers from itchy, psoriatic plaque formation in this area.
An important fact for patients with psoriasis is that the hairs on the scalp do not fall out at the onset of the disease or during its development.
The skin under the psoriatic plaques may bleed from scratching, so patients should not scratch the skin. The affected area may turn red due to the inflammatory process.
The disease progresses and regresses periodically. With the relapse, the symptoms of the disease return, in which case the patient must use medication to eliminate the symptoms so that the remission time begins. In remission, the symptoms of psoriasis are not pronounced.
The length of each period depends on many factors. The duration of remission can be up to two years.
To find out what psoriasis on the scalp looks like, let's proceed to the symptom photos section.
So far, no one has been able to find a cure for psoriasis.
There are many medications available to treat psoriasis symptoms. With the use of drugs and folk remedies, complex therapies, the patient's quality of life improves.
First, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist for the diagnosis of the disease. The physician will conduct all necessary research and analysis to establish an accurate diagnosis.
folk remedies
For the treatment of scalp psoriasis, popular recipes are used. They are recommended for use as part of a complex therapy to increase the effect of medications.
The independent use of prescriptions for traditional medicines is prohibited. They should be discussed with your healthcare professional and should only be used after approval.
The following remedies are often used to treat scalp psoriasis:
- Celandine is effective in relieving the inflammatory process. The herb is washed and dried, red wine is added and the skin is treated with the resulting product.
- A white wine tincture is made from sunflower baskets. The juice is squeezed from the sunflower and the skin is treated with this agent.
- Elderberry is also effective in relieving itchiness, inflammation and redness of the skin. The inflorescences are soaked in water for two hours. The solution is administered orally.
- Mix honey with egg whites and shampoo, apply to affected areas and wash with water.
The medications for the treatment of each patient are selected in the presence of the attending physician, according to the results of the tests, the stage of the disease, the level of immunity. He will tell you how to treat scalp psoriasis.
A drug prescribed by a dermatologist, even an experienced one, may not always be suitable for a patient. Many products do not work at the beginning of use. It is recommended to take drugs in complex therapy, that is, to combine different forms of drugs.
There are several groups of psoriasis medications and treatments.
Hormonal agents contain in their composition active components - hormones, which have a very effective effect on the body and quickly relieve symptoms, but it is not recommended to use them for a long time.
Steroids can be systemic, are taken orally in tablet form, or are given intravenously/intramuscularly. Ointments with hormones in the composition are much less effective. But they cannot be used for a long time, because the skin at the product application site can change its pigment, become thin, traumatic, subject to secondary infections.
In addition, after using hormonal drugs, withdrawal symptoms are often observed. It is when, after prolonged treatment and discontinuation of the medication, symptoms return, but with even greater symptoms.
Therefore, it is not recommended to use hormonal preparations for a long time, to apply to areas with sensitive skin, to apply to large areas of the skin, and also to cancel the use of the medication, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage.
Non-hormonal drugs are also commonly used to treat psoriasis. They are used to relieve symptoms, inflammation, itchiness and redness of the skin. They have a much shorter list of contraindications and side effects.
The main active ingredients in this group of medications relieve inflammation, constrict blood vessels, soothe, moisturize and smooth the skin. Among the active components, zinc, tar, salicylic acid and other substances stand out.
They can be used at any stage of the disease. Furthermore, these drugs have many different forms of release. They also vary in effectiveness and usage recommendations. Reviews of its effect in the treatment of scalp psoriasis can be studied in the forums.
Zinc can be used as often as needed, but tar-based products are not recommended more than twice a week. Also, they should be used in conjunction with moisturizers because tar dries out the skin.
Patients often opt for ointments to treat scalp psoriasis.
Cosmetics are also very popular with patients because they improve the appearance of the scalp but at the same time have no therapeutic effect.
Of cosmetic products, users opt for oils and shampoos that hydrate the skin, eliminate itchiness and dandruff on the scalp with psoriasis.
For the treatment of psoriasis, drugs are used that suppress the immune system and metabolism, interrupting the process of skin cell renewal and division.
These features can only be withdrawn under the supervision of a physician, as they have a large list of contraindications and side effects.
It is also necessary to improve the patient's general condition by following a special diet that excludes foods with allergens from the patient's diet. It is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes.
Physical therapy can be prescribed to patients. For example, ultraviolet irradiation is indicated for "winter" psoriasis.
For prevention purposes, the following recommendations should be observed:
- You need to take good care of your skin, wash it more often using children's soap or other hypoallergenic soap.
- Refuse alcohol and tobacco smoke.
- Don't get into stressful situations. Depression and anxiety can cause a relapse.
- Observe the daily routine.
- Take vitamin and mineral complexes.
- Follow a special diet that excludes allergens from the diet. In addition, the diet is individually selected for the patient and their required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Many people question whether scalp psoriasis is contagious. The answer is no, this disease is not contagious.